Another new kite

Josh bought himself a new shark kite. It is almost 3m in length and me course there is on wind today !

London from Lightwater

Decided to in for a nature walk today at Lightwater. Never new we could see London from here!

Caterpilla chaos

Our brussel sprouts have been over run with caterpillars. So many that we gave up and let nature take its course.

What a week

Well this week has just been hell. My server in the US was hacked which has basically cost me the week of work :(
One of the websites I was worried about was the and my photo website so they have both been updated today along almost all my websites.


So I put her in the chicken coop to roost

Boys night out

Here is my mate Steve totally stuffed and wanted a starter (which he didn't get!)

Puppa smurf

Remember these guys? What do you think of my impression

Son of cucumber

You thought my first one was big. Look at the size of this beauty

Nice indoor play zone

For the kids and at least we get to sit down for a coffee

Holiday is a wash out

The weather is mostly rain and high winds. In fact it has been so bad that people are giving up and going home. Tents and caravan awnings are being blown down and some people have just chucked them in the bin 8-(

I'm melting... ok moulting

Poor old spec has started to moult and looks as though she is looking pretty miserable. Still she will get even worse yet!


All of up out bowling today, even Rosie is knocking down pins

Lets go fly a kite

as we are off on hols in a couple of days, I decided to buy myself a new kite to play with. This is a small 1.2m power kite to learn with. If I can get the hang of it, I will upgrade to a larger one.

Hmm food

Food was pretty good as well, can not remember the name of the place though.

Alex in the flesh

I told you Emma, he is not an imaginary friend

Happy birthday Poppy

Wanted macyd for lunch, no taste there kids.

Pin the heart on the Poppy

Poppy is having a small party today 9, so one of the hands we came up with is sin the heart on the poppy. We drew around her and coloured it in this morning, and each girl gets blind folded and spun before trying t quick on their mini heart. They are all giggling so must be enjoying themselves

Solar eclipse

Today we had a partial eclipse of the sun. Unfortunate for us it has been cloudy, so this pic was taken near the end (through a welding helmet).